
honey, everyone does.

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LINKS {been looking for}
TAG {all this time}

bold italic underline link

Preferably >cbox

Friday, September 26, 2008
6:58 AM

HAPPY BIRTHDAY XIAO JIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday got tuition and by the time I reach home it is already 10 pm so didnt had a chance to blog .

May all your wishes come true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Jia You !!!!
Didnt know what is xiao jie wishes , when I know I will blog again<3

Saturday, September 20, 2008
5:35 PM

Actually got a lot more but only manage to post one photo ( com lagged)

Finally finish prelim exams and I had even got back my result. Though didnt score any A's but I am quite pleased with my result because I had improve compare to the result I got for Mid -Year exam .