Sunday, December 31, 2006
2:13 PM

hey everyone wish u all a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!hope tat the nxt coming year would be a better one wish tat it won't be lik tis year wat miserable,upset, unhappy year it is so hope it would be a HAPPY year of mine Let all the unhappines get lost and pray for a good year everyone once again
Thursday, December 21, 2006
11:26 PM
Hey everyone thnks those for wishin mi thnks a lot . At first i thought u all forget liao bt u all neve forget I am so Happy thnks everyone =D
5:51 AM
HIHI everyone so many day neve update liao so today i gonna update cos today is a special day for mi hehex the nxt few day might be veri bz dun knoe why bt veri bz =D LOL BZ watchin video so nice n funny sia the story
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
4:51 PM
ytd go ply bowlin wif mum n the other . At first go redhill then eat lunch liao then go JE ply bowlin lor erm.............. then go JEC to shop shop liao then go home so sian sia sch goin to reopen soon i dun wan sch to be reopen leh i dun lik study leh haiz bt dun lik oso ther is nothing tat can be done so mus study hard oso so tat i can make my dream come true n earn a lot of $ oso ..............
Bye Bye liao
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
2:11 AM
Today go Tampines shop oso go buy chirstmas present . Spend almost $50 sia broke liao cannt go out liao so sad . I dun wan sch reopen sia so scare exam i scare fail sia so stress leh hw i wish ther is no examination in tis world hehe fat hope sia nothing to blog leh.
Let talk about wat i wanna be when i grow up
2)Music composer
4)To be the manager of a big resturant
5)Of most the wealthy person in the world (jk)
6)Air steward
9)Manager of singers
10)Captain of the plane
End of my dream..............................................
Friday, December 08, 2006
3:52 PM
Hey back gt miss mi haha jk erm..... wher to start leh ok let mi start wif the day be4 i go to escape theme park veri fun the the games ther veri scary bt darm fun sia hw i wish i can go again nxt time then at night go bac to the chalet the chalet is we use the $ tat we won to book one bt all the girls neve overnight . At night we eat dinner at ther then celebrate some ppl bdae oso then gt cake sia soo gd then ply ply then go home . Take bus home then i walk home alone so eerie sia scary lor.Bt i veri the brave de -.-. Erm.... the nxt day meanin ytd go ther again bt we go diff place ytd we go www veri fun sia we ply in the www till it time to close haha so muc fun then go bac to the chalet then eat BBQ bt nt full enough then i go buy KFC then ply in the chalet 4 a while then went home so tired i sleep quite early around 1+ till the nxt day haha ok end of story =D
Friday, December 01, 2006
4:22 PM
hey everyone this blog is temporary close !!!!! No other reason just wanna close for the time being so you all can don't need to come to my blog liao !!!!!!!!!.................................