Tuesday, November 28, 2006
7:20 PM
2day actually go interview de bt in de end neve go then go pioneer mall eat liao then go home so sian n tired 2day mus slp well . finally stop fightin liao haiz ... nothing to blog about liao ok bye bye Being in love could be the sweetest thing inthe world bt being fall out of love could then be the most miserable thing in the world as well If there is no love in the world there would not be excitement but when there is love in the world there be something which is more excitement too So what can us as a human being do The fact is nothing ..........
Saturday, November 25, 2006
1:58 PM
kkz kkz everyone pls cool down ok dun fight because of small thing relax la cool down cool down dun fight . Dun be angry wif each other la it fated to be friends wat rite ?So must treasure every single time being tgt =D so dun be angry >_<Some should knoe wat i am talkinN dun said i busybody hor tis is 4 ur own gd =p
Friday, November 24, 2006
7:39 PM
Tues go job interview wif other 7 ppl then the person said thur go bac 4 training first see can anot . Then ytd go 4 the training haiz all trainer SMOKE i hate smokers a lot then the trainer bring us to a industrial area then went to every small company to ask 4 donation then i lik veri de quiet cos i dun knoe all of them then around 1+ pm they call us go bac home ourself OMG tat kind of place no MRT or interchange then no other solution take taxi lor haven even work then nid to fork out $ liao then reach ther dun knoe go wher thenany hw walk finally find ivone n the others . Chat wif vone 4 a while then they go out tgt lrt then left mi alone , mi then take bus home the journey so long sia then i fall asleep after tat go home bath n then go gek poh wif Yl cos frm morning until afternoon haven eat anything yet then go KFC eat liao then go gek poh walk walk , who knoe it started to rain no umbrella to go home waited 4 the rain to stop n then go home . I didnt do the job cos they all smoke bt a bit regreted cos nothing to do bt nvm can find other job de quite diff to find oso
bye bye!!! 4getting nw so feelin happier =D
Monday, November 20, 2006
11:38 AM

Ytd go out wif family go queenway shoppin centre then wait 4 bro to come meet us then shop shop then go to IKEA to look 4 table bt didnt find any then go eat dinner . I ate something special look at the pic
Guess wat is it ????
tat the green curry lookin at it lik veri disgustin bt actually quite nice ==>>
sick of this I wanna stop
11:26 AM
Sat go do flagday so tried we first go cityhall take the bag then to tampines to do the flagday frm around 11am to around 1 + then we go eat lunch then go bugis meet the others then go slack liao we go shop in the bugis juction then the BS so hot sia inside then go bac to cityhall inside the MRT sit down 4 dunno hw long then go out then go inside the citylink mall then go bac to giv the bag then go bac to Boon lay again then to JP then walk walk around then go buy my dinner then go bac JP to rest then finally Home Sweet Home haiz so tried sia go so many place
4get to said the 'We' is yin leng , si hui, hui yue, afiqahn mi
then the 'others' is zi xin, kai leng, shila n one more person i oso nt sure is hu.
End of bloggin
You make me felt hope but after feel hope u make me felt depressed again
Thursday, November 16, 2006
hopeless feeling
3:23 PM
Go out on the tues wif Yi min OMG !!!! feelin shock hehex mi oso felt so dun one to go de bt so long neve go out wif kL n shila so go bt jus shop till 2+ then go home . Then the following days keep stayin at home feelin so sian bt sat gt flagday can go slack then go shoppin =D lazy to go leh bt CIP hours nt enough sia so cannt dun do =(
Thursday, November 09, 2006
12:30 PM
Why life is so uncertain is it that only people who have a good fate would then is the the only one who would get what they wish for..................... Is it that it was me who is the wishful thinking person am i the stupid people that notice you when that fact that I know you would not even take a glance at me silly of me isn't . Everytime tried to get the attention of you ,you might not even know that there such a person in the world who care for you , what else can I do now the fact is not much now nothing much I can do now life is so uncertain.......................................................................................................................................................
Sunday, November 05, 2006
11:16 PM
YoZ bac again gt miss mi every sunday family day sia then today still the same bt today quite special cos my father van spoil then mi,bro n mum nid to get off the van to help push the van darm heavy then few uncle nearby hepl us thnks goddness if nt dun knoe when then we can go home then after few tried we did nt sucess bt bad thing happen it start to rain cats n dogs so suay then after the rain start tryin again finally can start the van liao. Tis is the first time i meet car broke down cos i usually onli saw tis incident lolx -_-!!! bt a lesson learn mus prepare spare batteries if u hav car in the future .........................then go shoppin wif my family then go eat dinner then go home then...........to be continue stay tunes for the nxt post.........jk
Friday, November 03, 2006
11:02 PM

Picture taken frm the place the place quite nice rite ??????? To mi quite nice leh lolx-_-!!!
Today goin out so happy cos so long neve go out wif friends liao, bt gt being seein each other cos
gt extra classes nothing to blog liao will be bac after goin out so later then continue to blog will be bac .............................................................. Hey bac nw goin to said about wher i go 2dae go ply bowlin wif my classmate we first meet at the JP interchange then take bus ther wat an unluckly day 2dae is we all was been drenched by the rain as most of us didn't bring umbrella so we share while all the boys ran to the place as boys dun used in bring umbrella when goin out but in the end all the girls get more wet then those boys haha so abnormal as we bring umbrella but ended up gettin more wet then them then when we reach ther the place was quite nice n i took a few photo of the place .We nid to wait for our turn to ply as ther too mali ppl liao so we wait n finally
our turn after plyin for quite some time mi,yin leng n hui yue become crazy n we ply n ply jus lik insane ppl plyin around then realise tat many ppl seem to be lookin at us after tat we then go
home . Then go JP shop for some time then go home . Today quite happy cos can go out n ply
then nxt week cannt go out liao bt it better cos can stay at home n rest =) nothing to blog liao bb